NAUERT.ZIP [0] Nauert postscript adobe font is a chiseled serif font from a mid-19th century source that is a display font that, due to its detail inside each letter, looks best above 48 points on a 300-dpi printer; contains a full character set, minus diacritics, brackets and parentheses; w/afm/cfg/inf/pfb/pfm; david rakowski.
NEONE.ZIP [0] Atm font for windows.
NEUSERIF.ZIP [0] Type 1 font neu serif.
NEUVARES.ZIP [0] Atm font for windows 3.0.
NEWRICK.ZIP [0] Type 1 font new rix fancy.
NEWS.ZIP [0] News screen font.
NEWYRKT1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, newyorker.
NEW_DIFF.ZIP [0] Type1 psfonts. truly different,not repeats of others.
NITE_P.ZIP [0] Postscript type i font, niteclub.
NIXON.ZIP [0] Nixoninchina postscript adobe font is a font designed to look like display printing on many chinese restaurant menus based on a font called chopstick; w/afm/cfg/inf/pfb/pfm; david rakowski.
NIXON_PS.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, nixon in china, "oriental-style".
NORDIC.ZIP [0] Postscript type one font.
OLDENG.ZIP [0] Old english vga font for windows 2.x/3.0.
OLDTOWN.ZIP [0] [win 3.0] old town fonts.
ONLYBATS.ZIP [0] Type one ps atm tested dingbats and frills 7 in all.
OREGDRY.ZIP [0] Type 1 font - "dry" version of oregon wet.
OREGONW.ZIP [0] Oregon-wet type 1 font splash!.
OSWALD.ZIP [0] Adobe type i font for postscript/ emulators.
OSWALDBL.ZIP [0] Oswald black font.
OUTL_F.ZIP [0] Procedure for creating a hollow outline font file from an existing type 1 postscript font file that creates a new pfb file with the original character outlines, but it is not filled; nice for headers, headlines, etc.; a. behl.
OXNARD.ZIP [0] Oxnard type 1 font very playful.
PAINT_T1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, paintbrush.
PALATSC.ZIP [0] Palatino small caps with oldstyle figures ibm true type. windows 3.1 compatible. a lot of time and energy went in to getting the stroke weight and small cap proportions and oldstyle figures right. looks great!! 3/31/93.
PALLADAM.ZIP [0] Palladam tamil font.
PARIS.ZIP [0] Another good atm font.
PARISMET.ZIP [0] Paris metro font.
PARKAVE.ZIP [0] Fancy font for windows 2.x & 3.
PARKAVE1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font park avenue script italic.
PARKAVEN.ZIP [0] Atm postscript font for windows.
PARSZIBA.ZIP [0] Parszibadraft truetype font is a persian/ farsi font that allows you to enter persian letters and type in persian with a limited degree of ease; tooraj enayati.
PCEIRE.ZIP [0] Pceire type one atm font for win 3.0.
PCLIP_T1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, paperclip.
PCX2FNT.ZIP [0] Conversion program that transforms pcx graphics into the "characters" of an adobe type 1 font.
PEPITA.ZIP [0] Pepita type 1 font for atm and windows.
PFBVIEW.ZIP [0] View postscript fonts in windows before installing them in atm, etc.
PFMCVT.ZIP [0] Pfmconvert is a simple, fast batch method of modifying postscript pfm files to display the new ascii 130-159 characters correctly under atm 2.0. it only requires corresponding afm files.
PFMEDT.ZIP [0] Pfmedit allows a user to edit or add kerning data to postscript type 1 fonts used on the pc. it also allows modifying many attributes for type 1 fonts contained in the pfm font metrics file. requires the visual basic run time vbrun100.d (availle on dtprum, lib 6,
PHAEDRUS.ZIP [0] Phaedrus type 1 font for atm and windows.
PIG_NOSE.ZIP [0] Pig nose type atm font. san serif caps and small caps nt.
PIXIEFON.ZIP [0] Atm font for windows, cute and funny.
PLA207.ZIP [0] Adobe plantin 1 screen fonts for ms-win 3+; includes fon files (vga resolution) for 6-10, 12, 14, 16 and 24 point sizes, plus afm/pfm files for the fonts; adobe systems inc.
PLA220.ZIP [0] Adobe plantin 2 screen fonts for ms-win 3+; includes fon files (vga resolution) for 6-10, 12, 14, 16 and 24 point sizes, plus afm/pfm files for the fonts; adobe systems inc.
PLAYATM.ZIP [0] Playbill- new atm font.
POLOSEMS.ZIP [0] Polo-semiscript font.
POLO_SEM.ZIP [0] Adobe type 1 typeface.
POSTCR.ZIP [0] Postcrypt-p.d. postscript font for atm/win 3.
PREMIUM.ZIP [0] Type 1 font premium thin.
PREVFONT.ZIP [0] Preview win3 fonts. with tpwin source code.
PRTFONTS.ZIP [0] Print font samples of atm, postscript or facelift fonts in windows--unregistered version has some severe limitations.
PS011.ZIP [0] Atm font.
PS012.ZIP [0] Atm font.
PS013.ZIP [0] Atm font.
PS014.ZIP [0] Atm font.
PS016.ZIP [0] Atm font.
PS1BASK.ZIP [0] Atm/ps1 new baskerville font for win3/atm (for "adobe type manager" and postscript).
PS1BODON.ZIP [0] Atm/ps1 bodini font for win3/atm.
PS1BRUSH.ZIP [0] Atm/ps1 brush script font for win3/atm.
PSLINT.ZIP [0] Postscript type i font, lintsec.
PSX200.ZIP [0] Psx - postscript soft font downloader.
QSLVR_T1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, quiksilver.
Q_AGATEB.ZIP [0] Type 1 font for use with atm - agate bold.
Q_AGATEI.ZIP [0] Type 1 font for use with atm - agate italic.
RAKOWSKI.ZIP [0] Atm font.
RDFONT.ZIP [0] Romand font for windows.
RECHTM.ZIP [0] Rechtman-script postscript adobe font is a chiseled script font w/a complete character, number & punctuation set; w/afm/cfg/inf/pfb/ pfm; david rakowski.
RECYCLE.ZIP [0] Recycle font.
REDLETTE.ZIP [0] Redletter font.
REFNT2.ZIP [0] Font viewer and manipulator of atm type 1 fonts.
REFONT14.ZIP [0] Refont v1.4: postscript type 1 font utility that allows you to use mac type 1 fonts on ibm pc machines with windows and atm; systems.
RELIEF.ZIP [0] Windows 3.0 / atm font: a 3-d style font, pretty neat! character #218 is a small dingbat of boris (rocky & bullwinkle) lighting a bomb!.
REYNOCAP.ZIP [0] Reynolds caps am font. stylish elongated all caps font.
RHYOLITE.ZIP [0] Rhyolite vertical font (based on huxley vertical).
RHYOLVER.ZIP [0] Win 3.0 atm rhyolite vertical font. compressed all caps font similar to rothman. converted from the mac.
RICKSHAW.ZIP [0] Atm type 1 font for windows.
RLIEF3.ZIP [0] Relief pak postscript adobe font package of 3 special purpose sans-serif relief fonts; with afm/pfm/pfb/inf/cfg; david rakowski.
ROCKMA.ZIP [0] Rockmaker postscript adobe font is an all caps font whose chars look like they consist of rough, broad paintbrush strokes such as you might find on a sign painted on a piece of wood in a western frontier town; w/afm/ cfg/pfb/pfm/inf; david rakowski.
ROISSY.ZIP [0] [win 3.0] roissy font.
ROMU_PS.ZIP [0] Type 1 romulan font.
ROOSTHEA.ZIP [0] Roostheavy font.
ROTHMA.ZIP [0] Rothman atm font.
RSALI.ZIP [0] Rsalison type one atm font for win 3.0.
RSCAVEMA.ZIP [0] Rscaveman type one atm font for win 3.0 2.
RSCLAITA.ZIP [0] Rsclassicaitalic type one atm font for win 3.0 3 files.
RSCLAROM.ZIP [0] Rsclassiaroman type one atm font for win 3.0.
RSMANZAN.ZIP [0] Rsmanzanita type one atm font for win 3.0.
RSTOULAU.ZIP [0] Atm font.
RUDELSBE.ZIP [0] Rudelsberg font.
RVRSIDE.ZIP [0] Windows 3.0 atm font riverside - converted from mac side via unsit30 and refont almost handwriting appearing script font with interesting appearance and good formation.
SAFAT1.ZIP [0] Romulus postscript adobe font is similar to the star trek romulan and vulcan alphabets, consisting of 23 characters in the font with several characters duplicated to fill the a-z keys; w/abf/afm/cfg/inf/pfb/pfm. computer safari.
SAFATT.ZIP [0] Romulus truetype font is similar to the star trek romulan and vulcan alphabets, consisting of 23 chars in the font w/several characters duplicated to fill the a-z keys; computer safari.
SALOON.ZIP [0] Saloonext font.
SAVANNAH.ZIP [0] Savannah fats font.
SCHNELLR.ZIP [0] Type 1 font schneller medium.
SCHWAWAL.ZIP [0] Win 3.0 atm schwarzwald font - bold and striking display font in a german woodcut.
SECRETCO.ZIP [0] Secretcode/unsecretcode fonts.
SERPN.ZIP [0] Serpent atm font.
SGAON.ZIP [0] Bengali fonts for windows.
SHALOOLD.ZIP [0] Shalomoldstyle v1.01 postscript adobe font produced by fontographer 3.0.5; includes afm/ pfb/pfm; brecher.
SHALOSCR.ZIP [0] Shalomscript v1.01 postscript adobe font produced by fontographer 3.0.5; includes afm/pfb/pfm brecher.
SHALOSTI.ZIP [0] Shalomstick - hebrew adobe type 1 font.
SHOHL.ZIP [0] Shohl-fold postcript adobe font whose letters look like they are on a continuous fanfold, some facing left & some facing right; w/afm/ cfg/inf/pfb/pfm; david rakowski.
SHOW.ZIP [0] Type 1 font.
SHOWBO.ZIP [0] Adobe atm font for windows 3.0.
SHOWBOAT.ZIP [0] Showboat font.
SHOWFONT.ZIP [0] Displays (chooses?) ms-win 3.0 fonts w/c a doc would have been nice (no, c is not self-documenting to me!).
SHRAPN.ZIP [0] Shrapnel postscript adobe font that contains a full alphabet, numbers and punctuation, the edges of which look like they are exploding; don't miss the adorable cupid on the grave accent; includes afm/cfg/inf/pfb/pfm; rakowski.
SILICO.ZIP [0] Silicon atm font - type 1.
SLABFACE.ZIP [0] Slabface font (very bold).
SLI231.ZIP [0] Adobe itc slimbach screen fonts for ms-win 3+ includes fon files (vga resolution) for 6-10, 12, 14, 16 and 24 point sizes, plus afm/pfm files for the fonts; adobe systems inc.
SNTFRA.ZIP [0] Saintfrancis-p.d. postscript font for atm/win3.
SNYDERSP.ZIP [0] Type 1 font snyder speed with afm wfm info.
SOUVENIR.ZIP [0] Adobe type 1 font (postscript).
SP20INFO.ZIP [0] Data on the new superprint 2.0 type scaler.
SQUIR_T1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, aquire.
STARB.ZIP [0] Starburst atm font for windows 3.0.
STENCILC.ZIP [0] Stencil font.
STFRANCI.ZIP [0] Stfrancis font (like mac san francisco).
STONET1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, stone.
STOP_T1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, stop.
STRONG.ZIP [0] Strongman/strongman bold postscript adobe fonts are based on two old engraving fonts called strongly 3 line and strongly 5 line; good for display, legal stationery, or anything you might need an "old" feel for; includes pfb/pfm/wfn; richard m. coda.
SYMBOL8.ZIP [0] Symbol screen font.
SYNDERS.ZIP [0] Snyder speed script type 1 font nice & slick.
T1FONT.ZIP [0] T1font v1.0: adobe type 1 font utility that allows the conversion between various forms of the adobe type 1 fonts (binary/expanded/ ascii); ken borgendale.
TABATH.ZIP [0] Tabatha is a postscript font derived from a five year old's hand writing, created for use on t-shirts for a day care center; contains upper/lower case along w/most of the standard characters; includes afm/pfm/pfb/wfn; philip schilling.
TABITHA.ZIP [0] Atm font, tabitha - 5 year old girl's writing.
TABPS.ZIP [0] Tabatha is a postscript font derived from a five year old's hand writing, created for use on t-shirts for a day care center; contains upper/lower case along w/most of the standard characters; includes afm/pfm/pfb/wfn; philip schilling/graphniques software.
TD_ENG.ZIP [0] Demo: type-designer. create your own adobe type i fonts.
TEJCAP.ZIP [0] Tejaratchi postscript adobe font is a caps only, raised, quasi-metallic letters font; w/afm/cfg/pfb/pfm/inf; david rakowski.
TEMPOF.ZIP [0] Atm font of musical symbols.
TENDLF.ZIP [0] Tenderleaf caps postscript adobe font of caps only, plus ampersand, exclamation point and question mark that is a display font of rough capital letters with leaves growing out of them; the letters themselves look like twisted branches; afm/cfg/inf/pfb/pfm; rakowski.
TIEMPO.ZIP [0] Atm type 1 postscript font from microcom bbs in central florida.
TIPLO_T1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font,tiplo.
TONEDEBS.ZIP [0] Type 1 font-toneanddebs-black sans serif characters topped with a layer of snow.
TOULOUS.ZIP [0] Postscript type 1 soft font "toulouse lautrec" for use with adobe type manager.
TRAJAN.ZIP [0] .pfb, .pfm, and .afm font created from corel draw's wfnboss. prints windows 3.0 to postscript.
TRIBE.ZIP [0] Adobe atm font for windows 3.0.
TRIBECA.ZIP [0] Atm type 1 font.
TRONDHEI.ZIP [0] Trondheim atm font.
TVIEW.ZIP [0] Font viewer for all types of fonts also prints font list.
TYPEVW11.ZIP [0] Another font viewer for windows 3.0.
UECHI.ZIP [0] Uechi-gothic postscript adobe font that is a full display font w/wonderfully ornate capitals; includes afm/cfg/inf/pfb/pfm; rakowski.
UECKER.ZIP [0] Type 1 font uecker.
ULTRABLA.ZIP [0] Ultrablack<?> font.
UMBRA.ZIP [0] Another adobe type manager for windows 3.0.
UMBRELLA.ZIP [0] Type 1 font umbrella normal.
UNCIADIS.ZIP [0] Win 3.0 atm uncial display font - a display face similar to, but more sophisticated than bedrock - celtic look reminiscent of st. patrick and the emerald isle hommel.
UPPEREAS.ZIP [0] Uppereastside font.
UPREAS.ZIP [0] Type 1 font upper east side w/afm.
UPRWES.ZIP [0] Upperwestside atm font for windows 3.
UPTITET1.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, uptite.
VARAHCAP.ZIP [0] Postscript font for use with atm.
VBFONT.ZIP [0] Another font viewer for window 3.0.
VECTRFON.ZIP [0] Scalable vector screen fonts.
VGAFON.ZIP [0] Bitmap fonts for windows 2.x/3.0 contains broadway,cloisterblack,cooperblack,universe brushscript,uncialdomcasual,parkavenue.
VICSEC.ZIP [0] Victoria secret atm font.
VIDEO_PS.ZIP [0] Type 1 font, video terminal.
VIREOFON.ZIP [0] Vireofonts font.
VSCREEN.ZIP [0] Turbo pascal unit to implement virtual-screens. build your screens while hidden in heap memory.
WAGNER.ZIP [0] Wagner-semibold postscript adobe font named after the german composer that is an old english ornate style font; dragon's den typefoundry.
WALPC1.ZIP [0] Walrodinitials postscript adobe font which contains 26 capital letters suitable for use as drop caps or other ornamental function, patterned after autologic's geometrica face; with afm/cfg/inf/pfb/pfm; jonathan hodges/ penguin productions.
WEISS1.ZIP [0] Atm type 1 font.
WESTSIDE.ZIP [0] Adobe type i font atm, superprint etc.
WFNPATCH.ZIP [0] Patch for wfnboss 2.0: fix for adobe fonts.
WFNSPACE.ZIP [0] How to insert a space in wfnboss-gen'd font.
WHARMB.ZIP [0] Type 1 font wharmby w afm cfg info.
WILLHA.ZIP [0] Will-harris postscript adobe font is patterned after the display font "skyline" that is a special-effect font wherein the chars look like views through venetian blinds of a city skyline; w/pfm/pfb/afm/inf/cfg; david rakowski.
WILTON.ZIP [0] Wiltonian 1.1 - atm font.
WILTONIA.ZIP [0] Type 1 font wiltonian.
WINDSDEM.ZIP [0] Win 3.0 atm windsor demi font - unique face characterized by strong strokes and solid serifs - converted from the mac.
WINDSOR.ZIP [0] Windsor type one atm font for win 3.0.
WINDSORD.ZIP [0] Windsor font.
WINFONT1.ZIP [0] Fonts for microsoft windows 3.0 1 of 7.
WINFONT2.ZIP [0] Fonts for microsoft windows 3.0 2 of 7.
WINFONT3.ZIP [0] Fonts for microsoft windows 3.0 3 of 7.
WINFONT4.ZIP [0] Fonts for microsoft windows 3.0 4 of 7.
WINFONT5.ZIP [0] Fonts for microsoft windows 3.0 5 of 7.
WINFONT6.ZIP [0] Fonts for microsoft windows 3.0 6 of 7.
WINFONT7.ZIP [0] Fonts for microsoft windows 3.0 7 of 7.
WINFONTJ.ZIP [0] This zip contains bitmap font files for use with windows 2.x/3.0. typefaces included are courier, helv, tms rmn, broadway, brushscript cloisterblack, cooperblack, domcasual, parkavenue, uncial, and university. designed for 24-pin matrix printers with 180x180 dpi resolution (nec, epson, fujitsu ...). created using windows sdk fontedit. (german).
WINPOOL.ZIP [0] Source to windows 3.0 pool graphic demo.
WINPSX20.ZIP [0] Winpsx v2.0: ms-windows postscript soft font downloader for type 1 and type 3 soft fonts; features batch downloading of postscript soft fonts, printing of font samples or device information reports with printer configuration and font directory, output to lpt1/lpt2/lpt3/ com1/com2/file; costas kitsos.
WPFMFIX.ZIP [0] Windows pfm fixer/modifier for type-1 fonts.
XMASPS.ZIP [0] Ornate letter fonts for xmas: atm; rakowski.
XMASTT.ZIP [0] Ornate letter fonts for xmas: truetype versn both of the above are "works in progress" and will be replaced w/more complete versions.
YAMATO.ZIP [0] Yamato-semibold postscript adobe font is a headline typeface; dragon's den typefoundry.
ZALESCAP.ZIP [0] Adobe font for windows 3.
ZALESKI.ZIP [0] Win 3.0 atm zaleski caps font - all caps display face, suitable for headlines, etc. converted from the mac.
ZAPFCHAN.ZIP [0] Adobe type mgr-atm-font zapf chancelry italic.